Weekly Newsletter Relaunch

Mar 13, 2024


What's up people!


I'm pumped to announce we are revamping my email newsletter. I want to provide you as much value as possible. 


So here's the plan...


Every Wednesday you will get an email with 3 components:


1. A Wellness Tip

2. A Mindset Framework 

3. The Best Content I Saw this Week


This information can help you with running, recovering, or improving your business. Hope you guys enjoy this new structure and get a ton of value out of it!


Wellness Tip 


My Advice for New Runners: 


1. Focus on base building

  • What is an easy “conversational pace” pace for you?
  • Monitor your heart rate or just how you feel

2. Determine your consistency level

  • Plan a schedule and stick to it
  • Pick what works for you whether it's 3 or 5 days a week to start 

3. Seek out knowledge

  • Search "tips for new runners" or "how to run my first 10K" on Youtube
  • Read books: 2 of my favorites are

4. Incorporate speed work

  • Running slow builds the engine
  • But incorporating speed is how you get faster


Mindset Framework


The What If Mentality


It was the summer of 2020. I was living at home and I decided to run a marathon.


I recently read Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins and completed the Murphy Challenge for 30 days in a row. This book had downloaded a new software in my brain. 


I was ready for my next challenge. 


My mom’s house is 13.1 miles away from my old high school. So I threw on a brand new pair of Nike Pegasus shoes and set out on the back roads to attempt my first ever marathon. 


The catch? I was doing it without any nutrition, without any gels, without any water.


I wanted to see what I could do and how far I could run. I wanted to put myself in a position to fail and see what it’s like when the variables are not on my side. 


It was a typical Maryland summer day. 98 degrees but felt like 104 degrees. Hot and humid. 


I made it the first 13.1 to my high school and saw the head basketball coach.


He goes “Matt, what are you doing?” 


“I’m running a marathon”


“What marathon?” 


“Just my own”


His eyebrows raised and he looked at me like I was crazy.


“Are you okay, Matt?”


I told him I was fine but could use 2 water bottles. He gave them to me, I chugged and then started making my way back home.


I knew if I got to the high school, I would have to attempt going back. It wasn’t like I was running 5 mile loops and could stop whenever I wanted. I left no room for excuses. 


On mile 15 I started getting cramps in my hamstring and quad. So I started to walk/jog until mile 17.9. 


At that point, it was 12 PM. Hottest part of the day.  The UV rays were the strongest.


I could not walk anymore. Every step was insanely painful. I got myself into the shade under a tree and called a friend to pick me up and drop me off at home. I showered and made food but passed out on the couch before eating my first bite. 


I completely emptied my tank that day. 


But I woke up the next morning with a new sense of confidence. I just ran 17.9 miles with nothing. No training. No preparation. No fuel. Only 2 waters.


If I could do that, what else was I capable of? What if I had trained? What if it wasn't 100 degrees out? Or even what if I brought a few running gels?


Alex Hormozi has a quote, "You don’t become confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."


In that moment, I built an undeniable stack of proof that I could do this. I can try running a marathon, a 50 miler, a 100 miler, and Goggin's 4x4x48 challenge. 


I knew I just needed to continue building small wins to get the confidence to attempt the next thing.


So when you are trying to overcome being uncomfortable, ask yourself one simple question:


What if?


Best Content I Saw this Week


Two of my favorite content creators, Gary V and Sahil Bloom, got dinner last week. 


Sahil wrote a newsletter about one powerful lesson he learned from Gary that night: "You've gotta love the dirt"


If you haven't read it, definitely check it out.


I love both of these guys and it was awesome seeing them together.


Keep crushin it,


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